
Gardenscape villa of livia
Gardenscape villa of livia

gardenscape villa of livia

  • Discuss the way in which the techniques used by Roman architects influenced the types of buildings they created.
  • Name two types of buildings that were commonly found in connection with a Roman forum.
  • What is a groin vault? How does a vault differ from a post-and-lintel system?.
  • Provide examples that support your points.
  • Name two cultures that strongly influenced the art of Rome.
  • Who was Vitruvius and why is he important?.
  • What is concrete and what effect did it have upon construction? Provide an example.
  • What is a temple called that has a series of attached columns rather than a free-standing colonnade? Provide an example.
  • Explain the significance of this historic event.

    gardenscape villa of livia

    Name two cities that were covered with ash when Vesuvius erupted.What is atmospheric perspective? What is linear perspective? What is modeling? What is a ground line? Give examples of Greco-Roman painting that illustrate each of these artistic techniques.

    Gardenscape villa of livia